
Vanilla Cream

Place a saucepan with 1 pint cream or milk over the fire, add 2 tablespoonfuls flour,
the yolks of 4 eggs, 1 tablespoonful butter, 3 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract and a sprinkle of salt; stir this until it comes to a boil; when cold mix cream with the yolk of 1 egg and a little sweet cream.


Whipped Cream (with Cherries)

Remove the pits from 1 pound of large cherries; put the fruit in a glass dish with ½ cup sugar; set the dish for an hour or two on ice; also have 1 pint of whipped cream on ice; when ready to serve spread the cream over the cherries, or serve each in a separate dish, and send sponge or fancy cake to the table with it. Canned cherries, apricots or peaches may be substituted for fresh fruit.


Whipped Cream (with Peaches)

Pare and cut 6 large, ripe peaches into quarters; put the fruit into a glass dish, sprinkle over it ½ cup powdered sugar and set the dish on ice for 1 hour; also have 1 pint of whipped and sweetened cream standing on ice; in serving cover the peaches with cream; break some lady fingers apart, stand them around the dish and serve at once. Or serve cream and fruit in separate dishes. Instead of fresh fruit preserved fruit may be used.


Whipped Cream (with Oranges)

Pare 6 large oranges, cut them into pieces, remove the pits, put the fruit into a glass dish and sprinkle over it ½ cup powdered sugar; have 1 pint cream, beaten to a stiff froth, mixed with 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and set fruit and cream on ice till wanted; when ready to serve pour cream over the oranges and send to table at once, or serve each in a separate dish.


Whipped Cream (with Chocolate)

Boil ¼ pound grated chocolate in ½ cup water with ½ cup sugar and a little vanilla; when cold mix it with 1 pint whipped cream and set on ice till wanted.


Cream (with Pineapple)

Prepare the cream in the same manner as the foregoing; pare a ripe sugar-loaf pineapple and break it from the stalk into pieces with a silver fork; put the fruit into a glass dish and sprinkle 1 cup sugar over it; set the dish on ice for 1 hour; when ready to serve pour the cream over pineapple and send to table at once.


Whipped Cream (with Strawberries)

Put 1 quart ripe strawberries in a colander and rinse with cold water; when well drained put the berries into a glass dish, sprinkle over them 1 cup powdered sugar and set for ½ hour on ice; whip 1 pint sweet cream to a froth, sweeten with powdered sugar and set on ice until wanted; when ready for use pour the cream over berries and serve at once, or send each in a separate dish to the table.


Whipped Cream

Put 1 quart of rich, sweet cream into a deep vessel or stone jar and let it stand on
ice for an hour; then beat it with an egg beater until stiff; then add sufficient powdered sugar to sweeten and any kind of flavor that may be liked.


Sabayon of Lemon

Soak 12 sheets of gelatine in cold water; put in a saucepan 2 whole eggs and the
yolks of 10; add 1 cup sugar, the juice of 3 lemons, the thin peel of 1 and ½ bottle Rhine wine; beat this with an egg beater till nearly boiling; remove at once, press out the gelatine, add it to the cream and continue beating till cold and beginning to thicken; fill it into a cream form and set on ice till wanted.


Sabayon of Oranges

Soak 12 sheets of gelatine in cold water for 10 minutes; in the meantime put the juice of 4 oranges, the thin peel of 1, ¾ cup sugar, ½ bottle wine (white is best), 2 whole eggs and the yolks of 6 in a saucepan over the fire; beat this with an egg beater till nearly boiling; remove it from the fire and take out the peel, press out the gelatine, add it to the cream and continue the beating till cold; fill it into a cream form and place for 2 hours on ice.


Russian Cream

Stir the yolks of 9 eggs with 9 tablespoonfuls sugar for ½ hour; add the juice and
grated rind of 1 lemon and ½ pint best rum; lay 5 sheets of gelatine for 5 minutes in cold water, press out and put it in ½ cup boiling water; stir until dissolved; then mix it by degrees, stirring constantly, with the above mixture; when it begins to thicken add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth, rinse out a mould with cold water, sprinkle with sugar, fill in the cream and set in a cool place till firm.


Milk Cream

Soak 1 ounce gelatine in 1 cup of milk; place a saucepan with 3 cups milk, ¾ cup
sugar, 1½ teaspoonfuls vanilla and the yolks of 6 eggs in a vessel of boiling water and stir with an egg beater till nearly boiling; remove from the fire, add the gelatine and stir till it becomes cold and begins to thicken; then add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth, turn the cream into a form and set on ice till firm; serve with cold pineapple or strawberry sauce; the form should be rinsed with cold water and sprinkled with sugar before the cream is put in.